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Happy Birthday BuDhaGirl

Break out the champagne…BuDhaGirl is one year old ! And what a year it has been.

Susie: We are still standing!!!!

First and foremost is a GREAT BIG THANKS to each and everyone of our clients, subscribers, believers, cheerers-on, mentors, and friends. And for me I would have to add my family to this list which has put up with my long hours, at times un-Buddha-like conduct, some choice expletives, and for not giving-up on me.

Then come our wonderful vendors and suppliers…providing us with beautiful products, ethically produced and brought to life through their hard work. There are also many people who have supported us in many capacities and I am here to let you know: Thank you.

There have been many struggles. But we have become stronger and our commitment to bringing mindful glamour to an ever more aware public is our primary mission. Susie and I believe that the world is changing and the importance of daily, thoughtful rituals and intentions is paramount to both  physical and mental health.

 Please help us thorough another year, stick with us. We promise fabulous accessorries and jewelry to brighten and finish your wardrobe. We will bring you more science, more meditations and new ways in which to clear your mind and re-focus your intentions.

In every language I know I will again say:

Gracias, Merci, Dankeschön, Arigatō, Grazie, Spasibo,  k̄hx k̄hxbkhuṇ khuṇ, Obrigado, Xièxiè...and of course:


Hugs to all,