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BuDhaGirl's Artisanal Vendor Exhibits in Mexico

In crafting our jewelry, one of our favorite parts is sourcing beautiful materials from thoughtful, artistic vendors. One of our most cherished vendors is Colectivo 1050, artisans who turn "mud into beauty." This group of designers celebrates the humble beauty of Oaxacan pottery through expertly crafted beads, vases and more.

Last night, Colectivo 1050 launched their latest exhibition, Touching the Earth, with a special event at Terreno Baldio. The exhibition unfolds the root of tradition, showing the processes that have survived for centuries in the pottery communities of Oaxaca, as well as the innovations that result from the collaborative work at Innvando la Tradicion and Colectivo 1050. Both of these groups are crucial in creating community and reevaluating how people relate to traditional wisdom in Mexico.

The exhibition is open until June 3rd and takes place at Terreno Baldio in Mexico City. 

Want to experience Oaxacan beads for yourself? We've got a little something to add to your stack...