New BuDhaGirl Fall
We finally feel it is fall at BuDhaGirl. This year the weather has been crazy, last week in New York it was near 80 degrees, Dallas still has 85, why if we believe the weather forecast it will be 81 in San Francisco next Friday!!!
Yet we now feel the winds finally changing and we are breaking out the coats and the woolies. So in homage to the season we want to introduce all our wonderful new products. Take a look at our knits: necklaces and cuffs, fabulous lariats a la Coco Chanel and our rosaries are a must.
BuDhaGirl "Coco" Pearl Lariat
Pink Chenille Knit Rope Necklace with Purple Ethiopian Cross
Black Hand-Crocheted Scapular with Sacred Heart Wood & Silver Reminder Frame
Knock-out Pearl & Knit "Coco" cuff
Drop in and visit us on the website, take time to enjoy a quick meditation or view our Bel Air video directed by Lekha Singh.