Out of the Blue....
Have you ever stopped to think why someone comes into your life, literally out of the blue and gives you their hand in friendship?
This BuDhaGirl did just that.
Friendship is like that quote from C.S. Lewis: “ What? You too? I thought I was the only one.”
I want to pay tribute to someone who is fearless, she has done things that one only dreams about doing. She is also vulnerable; through this vulnerability she is approachable, funny, curious, and loving.
She has a view of the world that is a combination between Georgia O’Keefe, Jacques Cousteau and Robert Mapplethorpe. And she captures this point of view through her camera lens. She is part Buddha, part Dalai Lama, and part St. Theresa.
She is philanthropic. And not the just let me write you a check kind; she actually lives her philanthropy. She goes, she sees, she cries and she is compassionate.
She is a super-conductor. Through her you connect with other people making your life richer. From all walks of life she conducts a symphony of people joining together in what become world changing projects, fabulous dinner parties, and spiritual journeys.
Here’s to a BuDhaGirl that lives everyday with presence and gratitude. And here’s to the universe for allowing us to meet.