BDG Team: My Father's Impact

Caryn: As I think of Father’s Day, I realize I have been blessed with a wonderful father in my life. I have always been a true “daddy’s girl” through and through. At a young age, he instilled in me the importance of integrity and self worth. He faced some challenges in life and even in the lowest of lows, he held his head up and took it one day at a time. He always found the good in every situation. He always said confidence in yourself and others goes a long way and helps carry you through the tough times. When I was 20-years-old, my father left this world and went on to his next journey, and everyday I feel him with me, guiding me and inspiring me!

Twyla: My dad is a force to be reckoned with. A business owner, a father of five, a Wharton business school graduate and a pole vaulting record-setter, he certainly knows how to make a statement. Sometimes he's ferocious, other times he's tenderhearted, but no matter what, he takes with him the greatest sense of humor and impeccable style. My dad has always been a generous person, but the greatest gift he's ever give to me has been to lead by example. Aside from showing me how to make a sartorial statement, my dad engrained in me a love for luxury and the mindset to work relentlessly for what you want. To me, my dad is the embodiment of three of the most admiral qualities there are: independence, dedication and perseverance .

Julian: My dad is the most influential person in my life. He is the most hardworking person I know, and instilled a great work ethic, love for people, and strong character in me. In my adult life, he is my best friend. The ways in which he shaped me show in many ways, but I think the biggest of all is that I call him every day to share my life with him. Time is the most valuable thing in life, and I am happy I get to spend mine with my dad.

Elizabeth: A father is a best friend, first love, a "hey pal," and a listener.  He's a "don't tell mom" when he gives you what you want, a life coach, a sports coach, and most importantly my hero. My dad has shaped me into the most dedicated, integrity filled, and loving daughter he could. From boogie monsters to bullies, he has helped me conquer my fears. He has sacrificed and lived to make my life full. Forever and always I will be his little girl.