Creating a Creative Space
Frida Kahlo
Whether you consider yourself an “artist” or otherwise, everyone can benefit from a space designated for creativity. When thinking of a “creative space,” it’s easy to envision a studio in which a painter is conceptualizing and carrying out her creative vision. But while this is the common narrative of “studio space,” it is just as important, and perhaps more important for the self-declared “non-artist” to make a space for themselves to pursue creative endeavors, too. After all, a consistent, creative outlet is essential to overall wellbeing.
While some might argue otherwise, none of us are more creatively adept than the others. Some are just more willing to express it. So what divides the population between the creatives and the non-creatives? It could be about boldness or confidence, but it could also be about safety. In your day to day life, do you feel safe to express your innate creativity (in any form)? If the answer is no, a designated creative space might just be the solution for you to develop your creative life.
Pablo Picasso
In your creative space, you get to set the rules. This space doesn’t have to be for anyone but you. The results of your creative endeavors don’t have to please (or even be seen by) anyone else. In this space, you can try traditional creative arts, or even try experiment with cooking, flower arrangement, interior design - if you can name it, you can do it!
So how do you make your creative space perfectly tailored to you? Figure out what inspires you and go from there. Does a stark white, minimal space pique your creativity, or do you gravitate towards a room filled with inspiring visuals? If that’s the case, are there certain paintings that you love? Magazine editorials that give you chills? Powerful quotes that resonate? Using these elements, make a vision board and use it to anchor your creative space. In a space with no rules and no expectations, the sky is the limit, and your creativity is perfectly unbound - just as it should be.
Georgia O’Keeffe