Taking Inventory Of Our Lives

Today is an actual inventory day at BuDhaGirl headquarters. We meticulously tally what inventory exists in our offices. We review the duds, and the winners and we make decisions on how to move forward…and that got me thinking.

How do we step back and carefully, pragmatically, with a factual eye assess what has become of our life? In other words, how do we take inventory of our lives, and what do we consider our duds and also our finest moments?

Here are some of my insights, I hope that if you are willing to take inventory, these steps will assist you in this most revealing contemplative exercise.

List of Questions:

Are you well? Physically? Mentally? Spiritually?

Are you better off this year than last year? If so, why? If not, why not?

Do you want to change any of these things? Do you need to change any of these things?

Or, must you change any of these things? What has been your finest moment this past year? Why?

What has been your darkest moment this past year? Why?

Did you learn something from this experience?

Can you avoid it in the future? Is it in your control to do so?

If you could change one thing about yourself today, what would that be?

How do you impact the world? Are you important? Are you needed?

What is your most important role?

Now that you have taken a bit of time to reflect on these questions after you have taken inventory…what will you do with your assets in 2020?