Living an Inspired Life: Patricia Ladis

Meet Patricia Ladis. Patricia is a co-founder of the KIMA Center for Physiotherapy and Wellness and is a Sports Rehabilitation Specialist. We met Patricia last year at the Global Wellness Summit and immediately recognized essential BuDhaGirl qualities within her. Read on to learn how this business owner and mother of three stays in the present and mindful every day.

BuDhaGirlHow did you first discover BuDhaGirl?

Patricia Ladis: My business partner Tracey Vincel and I first discovered BuDhaGirl while at The Global Wellness Summit held this past fall in Mexico City. In alignment with the cutting-edge concepts and mindfulness discussions featured at the summit, BuDhaGirl was a perfect synergistic way to bring the key messages home with us on our wrist! 

BDG: What is your favorite piece of BDG jewelry?

PL: The All Weather Serenity Gold Bangles are amazing. They are light, don't clang on your wrist, are comfortable, easy to wear all day and can be worn with almost everything. Everyone always comments on how beautiful they are and they are ALWAYS noticed.

BDGWhat intentions do you set with your BDG jewelry?  

PL: I always set intentions that are specific to that day. I reflect on what may be on my calendar and may set an intention like, "I hope that the important morning meeting today leads to a successful outcome." Or perhaps I or a family member is struggling with something- I will set an intention like, "May peace overwhelm me (them) today to find calm, serenity and centeredness during this storm (hard time)...and certain other days I may simply intend to "have fun today."

BDGWhy is mindfulness important to you?

PL: Mindfulness is very important because our lives have gotten progressively more booked and hectic. We go, go, go and never really stop. This fast pace life, especially in New York City, has led to people really not being present. We need to connect with our inner self, our feelings, our thoughts, our environment, those around us and be mindful of ourselves, our actions, our choices, and our world. By being mindful you are instantaneously more connected, peaceful, calm and with practice you can get closer to your optimal "flow."

BDGWhat actions do you take everyday in order to be in the present?

PL: I check in with myself to try to prevent getting caught up in the fast-paced hamster wheel. I am mindful of my breathing and regulating myself when I am feeling overwhelmed. I recently completed a certification in capnography which has allowed me to connect with my optimal breathing pattern to keep a stable chemical axis that allows me to stay connected with my whole mind to maintain inner peace. I also use my 30-minute commute to meditate, perhaps listen to a song, or simply to reflect. This rejuvenates me, centers me and gets me more connected to my heart. I feel more alive and more present.

BDGTell me a little bit about KIMA.

PL: KIMA ( ) is a physical therapy and wellness center in New York City. KIMA means wave or fluid motion in Greek and is also an acronym for Kinesthetic Integrative Movement Analysis. We aim to restore fluidity back to the body, mind, and breath. By looking holistically, we treat the cause of each individual's pain as opposed to just addressing their symptoms. We use cutting edge technology like capnography, real-time ultrasound, whole body vibration, 3D motion and EMG analysis, research-grade gait assessment, and APOS therapy. We offer a wide range of services including physical therapy, massage therapy, clinical pilates, therapeutic yoga, Feldenkrais, acupuncture, and mind body psychology including hypnosis and mindfulness training. 

BDGWhy did you begin KIMA?

PL: 10 years ago we set out to build a sacred space in NYC to not only heal from pain but also to prevent it. We built a haven for people to come to on their journey toward wellness so that whenever they had an ailment we were here to help, but we were also here to improve performance, prevent future injuries and painful episodes. We are a continuing education center that educates medical professionals and wellness practitioners from all over the world. We bring cutting edge research and techniques and share ideas together so that we can continue to learn and master our techniques. We are passionate about prevention. We know that if the population was routinely screened every year with a physical screen, we can prevent early degenerative patterns that can lead to joint replacement later in life. We have helped so many get out of pain but we know we can also help many more prevent the pain from even happening! 

BDGWho is the quintessential BuDhaGirl to you?

PL: The Goddess Athena, she's a beautiful, strong leader that is always centered, growing in knowledge and awareness, and thus becoming more and more beautiful with each passing year.

BDG: What are your favorite words of wisdom?

PL: "We're too busy making exacting plans and forcing outcomes to recognize that real momentum thrives on ease, not effort." - Deepak Chopra