Intentions are not things. Intentions are us. We are what we think.
Read MoreWhen you're feeling down, uninspired or simply unfocused, few things can turn the situation around other than a hot cup of tea and a wise book.
Read MoreKnowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Read MoreExplore. Be aware. Get inspired. These are the 7 daily rituals BuDhaGirls commit to in order to discover and grow their health wealth.
Read MoreWithout health wealth, we have nothing. Today, the BuDhaGirl team tells us their ideas of health wealth and how to best attain it.
Read MoreStress, mental health, ineffective antibiotics... these are some of the things Millennials should uniquely keep in mind in order to achieve maximum health as they grow older.
Read MoreCan one can be in good health if they simply practice the same habits as they do with their bank account?
Read MoreToday, the members of the BuDhaGirl Scientific Advisory Board reveal to us their 2017 resolutions. Do any of these resonate with you, BuDhaGirl?
Read MoreWhile everyone strives to be healthy, there is not one solution that works for all. The Hippocratic Temperaments demonstrate that the type of diet, the kind of exercise, and the amount of rest that a person needs to feel good is about as unique as the individual themselves.
Read MoreIf one of your intentions in the new year is to eat more mindfully, a good place to start is with Ayurvedic super foods.
Read More“To live a pure, unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” Buddha
Read MoreWhat exactly is wealth mentality? As in many of our other 2017 themes, there are several answers that lead us to construe the final meaning of wealth mentality.
Read MoreWhen you obtain these three pillars of wealth, you can live life to its fullest and give the best of yourself.
Read MoreMantra #1: If 2016 proved to be good, 2017 will be great.
Read MoreWishing you light and love.
Read More9 ways to be more mindful and intentional in 2017.
Read MoreToday marks my incredible mother's 90th birthday! These are the rules she abides by to live a glamorous, healthy, happy life.
Read MoreEveryone here at BuDhaGirl wishes you a holiday season filled with love, peace and joy.
Read MoreWhat does a Dr. Seuss story and BuDhaGirl have in common? More than you think...
Read MoreThe BuDhaGirl Team on what the holidays and the tradition of giving means to them.
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