Lemon water... lavender oil... what are your favorite ancient remedies for modern day maladies?
Read MoreMembers of the BuDhaGirl Team share with us their personal health and beauty rituals.
Read MoreI don’t think maintaining beauty is particularly easy, but it is incredibly rewarding. Being attuned to creating beauty in everything you do makes you present.
Read MoreMy mantra is make your food beautiful and your food will make you beautiful.
Read MoreToday more than ever, science is proving that sleep is critical to our health, and if good health equates to beauty… then we should demand our beauty sleep.
Read MoreDoes health arise from beauty? Or does beauty arise from health?
Read More"Aging has a wonderful beauty and we should have respect for that." - Eartha Kitt
Read MoreEvery day, each of us has the power to surround themselves with beauty. As we've discussed, beauty can take a number of forms, but one common experience we can easily share is the beauty of food.
Read MoreToday our Summer Intern, Elizabeth, tackles this month's theme and shares what beauty means to her.
Read MoreHow do you bring beauty into your life? There are 7 simple components.
Read MoreBeyond the makeup and skincare, we're looking at the ways in which 5 beauty businesses make themselves truly beautiful.
Read MoreWe brought a few seashells and a lot of inspiration back with us from the beach. View our favorite photos from our trip to The Exumas here!
Read MoreToday, we're looking at what might just be universal beauty - extraordinary beauty that arises from humble roots.
Read MoreEvery summer my family and I travel to The Exumas in the Bahamas, and every summer I am more in love with this pristine part of the world.
Read MoreTo appreciate beauty is to consciously decide to enjoy life with reverence for other’s efforts and gratitude for what we receive.
Read MoreTry incorporating some of these core elements of inner beauty into your morning ritual in order to see your own beauty and that of others.
Read MoreToday, we're talking with Flower Road founder, Michelle Bardwell about Flower Road's unique role in the beauty industry, and how inner and outer beauty are directly correlated.
Read More14 movies that embody and inspire both inner and outer beauty. Is your favorite on this list?
Read MoreThat "je ne sais quoi" is a beauty that arises perhaps from self-confidence, carriage, demeanor, humor, style, wisdom, compassion, and gratitude.
Read MoreSince ancient Egyptian times, a crown of light rays also known as a halo, nimbus, aureole, glory or gloriole has been used to emphasize and categorize specific figures in works of art.
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